How to manage a dental emergency

dental emergency's with children

Did you know that the most injured area of the body during contact sports is the mouth? Slippery marble floors and swimming pools are common hazards. The incidence of accidents resulting in trauma to the mouth and teeth very frequent here in Singapore. All parents should be prepared in such an emergency to quickly identify […]

Thinking about getting veneers?

We all want a beautiful smile, a smile that we are confident to display all the time. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 96 percent of Americans believe an attractive smile makes you more appealing to the members of the opposite sex and three out of four adults actually feel that an unattractive […]

Want to change your smile? Some key questions.

Are you thinking about changing your smile? It can be difficult to know how to get started and who to trust. As a first step, try asking yourself these few questions: Do I like the colour, shape and size of my teeth? Do I have gaps or misaligned teeth that I am unhappy with? Do […]

6 Simple ways to protect your teeth

6 simple ways to look after your teeth

1. Brush and floss. Brush at least twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste for two minutes; this cleans 60% of the tooth surfaces and fluoride is proven to reduce tooth decay by 50%. Floss once per day; this is important for children and adults. A significant portion of dental decay occurs in between teeth where […]

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