Tooth Coloured FIllings

Introduction to Tooth Coloured Fillings

Tooth coloured fillings, also known as composite fillings, are a popular choice for restoring teeth that have been damaged by decay or trauma. At Smilefocus, we offer high-quality tooth coloured fillings that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing both functionality and aesthetics.

What are Tooth Coloured Fillings?

Tooth coloured fillings are made from a blend of plastic resins and fine glass particles, which can be closely matched to the color of your natural teeth. This makes them an ideal choice for filling cavities or repairing chipped or worn teeth.

Why Choose Tooth Coloured Fillings?

Tooth coloured fillings offer several advantages over traditional metal fillings. They are not only more aesthetically pleasing but also bond directly to the tooth structure, providing additional support and stability.

Benefits of Tooth Coloured Fillings

  • Aesthetically Pleasing: Tooth coloured fillings are designed to match the natural shade of your teeth, making them virtually invisible. This ensures that your smile remains beautiful and natural-looking.
  • Durable and Long-Lasting: Modern composite materials used in tooth coloured fillings are durable and resistant to wear, making them a long-lasting solution for dental restorations.
  • Safe and Mercury-Free: Unlike traditional amalgam fillings, tooth coloured fillings are free from mercury, making them a safer and healthier choice for your dental care.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth Coloured Fillings

  • Q: How long do tooth coloured fillings last?

    A: With proper care, tooth coloured fillings can last 5-10 years or more.

    Q: Are tooth coloured fillings suitable for large cavities?

    A: Tooth coloured fillings are best for small to medium-sized cavities. For larger cavities, other restorative options like inlays, onlays, or crowns may be recommended.

    Q: Can tooth coloured fillings be repaired if th,m.    or wear down?

    A: Yes, tooth coloured fillings can often be repaired by adding more composite material to the existing filling.

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Why Choose Us.

It is best to be a part of a Dental clinic that can offer a wide variety of services, from Preventative Dentistry to Orthodontics, from Paediatric Dentistry to Oral Surgery. A clinic that can cater to your entire family’s needs. In any residence, having a large variety of services under one roof is a bonus. Still, especially in a new country, one should try to avoid the added pressure of running from specialist to specialist.

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