Dental Check Ups and Routine Examinations

The Importance of Regular Dental Visits

Maintaining regular dental check-ups is crucial for not only keeping your teeth and gums healthy but also for preventing a variety of oral health issues before they develop into more serious conditions. Routine examinations help catch problems early when they are most treatable and less likely to cause significant damage or require extensive care.

Benefits of Routine Dental Examinations

Regular dental visits are key to:

  • Preventing tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Identifying hidden dental problems with X-rays.
  • Keeping bad habits in check (like smoking, teeth grinding, and nail-biting).
  • Ensuring early detection of oral cancer.
  • Maintaining overall wellbeing — dental health is linked to overall health.

What can I expect from a general check-up?

A general check-up includes an examination and scaling & polishing. Your dentist will examine the health of teeth and soft tissue, including gums, lips and cheeks. A professional dental cleaning (scale and polish) removes the bacteria and plaque. Over time, plaque absorbs minerals in the saliva to form hardened deposits known as calculus or tartar. When left untreated, the bacteria will eventually cause a number of common dental problems, such as dental cavities in your teeth and gum problems, which can lead to gum disease.

Diagnostic X-rays

Your dentist might recommend an X-ray as part of your preventive care visit. X-rays, also known as radiographs, play a crucial role as a diagnostic tool by revealing information that is not visible to the naked eye—such as hidden dental structures, masses (malignant or benign), bone loss, and cavities—under the gums, fillings, and between the teeth.

How often do I need a dental check-up?

At smilefocus, our friendly team of dentists usually recommend that you have a check-up once every six months or twice a year. This can depend on your overall oral health.

If your oral health requires additional attention, we may advise more frequent visits to our practice. Following your examination, ongoing treatments may necessitate regular visits tailored to your individual needs and treatment plans. All details will be thoroughly discussed during your general dental check-up.

Even though you can observe the appearance of your teeth, underlying issues beneath your gums may go unnoticed. In the event that our dentists identify any concerns during your routine check-up, they will promptly discuss them with you. They have the ability to detect tooth decay or gum disease, even in the absence of noticeable signs or symptoms.


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Why Choose Us.

It is best to be a part of a Dental clinic that can offer a wide variety of services, from Preventative Dentistry to Orthodontics, from Paediatric Dentistry to Oral Surgery. A clinic that can cater to your entire family’s needs. In any residence, having a large variety of services under one roof is a bonus. Still, especially in a new country, one should try to avoid the added pressure of running from specialist to specialist.

Comprehensive Service

Removes the hassle of seeking different dental specialists

Professional Experience

With over 25 years of dedicated service to the community in Singapore

Optimal Location

Located strategically in the heart of Singapore

Patient Education

Providing essential information for informed dental decisions

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