Braces aren’t just for looks! Orthodontics can solve a host of dental problems

Orthodontics is not about just having aesthetically pleasing teeth. Orthodontics will solve a host of dental problems, from making space for a tooth implant to fixing jaw alignment. Not enough tooth? Have you recently had a root canal?  In some cases the dentist may not have had enough tooth to put a crown on.  An […]

10 Fun Facts about Teeth and Dentistry

There’s more to teeth than meets the eye. Check out these 10 interesting facts! One. The average American spends 38.5 total days brushing over a lifetime. Dentists recommend you spend 2 minutes brushing your teeth after each meal, at least twice per day. Technique is more important than time, though, so less time but proper […]

Why do my child’s new teeth look gappy?

We feel very excited when our children’s milk teeth start to wiggle and fall out, and new permanent teeth begin to erupt. However, these new teeth often do not look perfectly straight and aligned like the milk teeth, and may have big gaps between them? Dr Pauline Lee tell us why The arrangement of the […]

Is flossing really necessary?

There is a lack of high-quality studies about how effective flossing is against dental disease, but if we take a look at the science behind dental cavities and gum disease, the answer to this question is clear. Bacteria in our mouth feed on the sugars and carbohydrates in our food, and start producing acid. This […]

Teeth Whitening – How to get a selfie-worthy, beautiful smile?

Everyone would love to have a white and natural looking smile but we live in a world filled with teeth staining factors such as coffee, carbonated drinks, tea, red wine … So how DO we get a selfie-worthy, beautiful smile? Well, achieving those pearly-white smiles is easier than most people think and many achieve that […]

Has the stress of Covid-19 increased dental issues?  

During and after the circuit-breaker Smilefocus saw a significant increase in adults of wear-related problems such as cracked and chipped teeth.  We saw an increase in these problems in children too, though to a lesser degree.  The recent substantial growth in tooth trauma during the pandemic may be a result of a lot of different […]

5 habits you want to instil in your children

1. 2-minute brushing, 2 times a day Everyone knows we should brush twice a day, but did you know that research supports a minimum duration of 2 minutes each time? The longer we brush, the more plaque we remove from more areas in the mouth, and the longer the contact time between our teeth and […]

Oral cancer – need to know

The best way to prevent oral cancer is to avoid tobacco (both cigarette and chewing tobacco). Tobacco use together with alcohol has been shown to greatly increase the risk of oral cancer. It is unclear whether vaping is also linked to increased risk, but some early studies are suggesting that it is. Because there are so […]

3 dental symptoms you should not ignore

Many of us have been hesitant to go to the dentist over the past couple of months due to the Circuit Breaker measures. It can sometimes be easy to ignore minor dental issues however often they can be a warning sign of further issues in the future. As restrictions reduce, it is important not to […]

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