Toothache 101: What to Know and What to Do

What to know and what to do for toothache

A toothache is a common experience, but that doesn’t mean it should be ignored. This article will cover what you need to know about toothaches, including identifying its cause and what to do when one strikes. Therefore, it is most important to know what to do in the event of a toothache. If you are […]

Missing teeth: What are the tooth replacement options

missing tooth, missing teeth,

Some people are born with the potential of missing teeth. Genetics can determine what teeth are present. If you have missing teeth, your family may have experienced the same. Similarly, teeth sometimes lack space to erupt and stay hidden in the gums. Teeth are also lost due to decay and gum disease necessitating extraction. Sports […]

Is your new diet damaging your teeth?

2022 marks the start of another year. It’s a magical time of year where a brand new year with new opportunities lies ahead. If you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to improve your health and fitness, be mindful of how this could affect your teeth. Breaking old habits can be quite a challenge, and while […]

Sensitive Teeth: Causes, Remedies & Treatment

What are the causes of sensitive teeth? An unexpected pain or discomfort while eating, drinking or even breathing are common symptoms of sensitive teeth. The nature, severity and longevity of the sensitivity can be indicative of the underlying cause of the pain. The good news is that most tooth sensitivity is generally a minor issue […]

Oral Microbiome: What is it? How does it affect Health and Well Being?

What is an Oral Microbiome? The Oral microbiome (also called as Oral microbial flora) is a community of microorganisms, predominantly bacteria, found within the mouth of humans and animals. Several hundred species of bacteria (1300+ identified till date) exist within this delicately balanced community. It is the second most diverse biome of the body, after the gut. […]

Getting to the Root of the Problem

Your teeth are meant to last a lifetime and with modern treatment methods this is often possible, despite damage or decay.  Take root canal treatment (RCT) for example.  Once-upon-a-time a tooth with an infected nerve had to be extracted; now it can be saved through root canal (or endodontic) treatment.  Any fears conjured thinking of […]

Top five questions about bleeding gums

caring for your teeth

My gums only bleed when I’m flossing and have done for years.  Is this normal? Having bleeding gums is not a sign of good dental health. In fact, it is the body telling you that you have inflammation directly as a result of an increase in the amount of plaque in the region. In other […]

Has the stress of Covid-19 increased dental issues?  

During and after the circuit-breaker Smilefocus saw a significant increase in adults of wear-related problems such as cracked and chipped teeth.  We saw an increase in these problems in children too, though to a lesser degree.  The recent substantial growth in tooth trauma during the pandemic may be a result of a lot of different […]

Oral cancer – need to know

The best way to prevent oral cancer is to avoid tobacco (both cigarette and chewing tobacco). Tobacco use together with alcohol has been shown to greatly increase the risk of oral cancer. It is unclear whether vaping is also linked to increased risk, but some early studies are suggesting that it is. Because there are so […]

3 dental symptoms you should not ignore

Many of us have been hesitant to go to the dentist over the past couple of months due to the Circuit Breaker measures. It can sometimes be easy to ignore minor dental issues however often they can be a warning sign of further issues in the future. As restrictions reduce, it is important not to […]

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