Dental Implants vs Bridges

If you are missing a tooth or two, there are a couple of restoration options available for you to choose from – dental implant and dental bridges.  Choosing the right treatment is key to a confident smile so ask your dentist to assess your condition and recommend the best restoration treatment for you. Usually dental […]

Different Causes & Treatments of Diastema

At Smilefocus we often see patients, both young and old, who are worried about gaps and spaces between their teeth. This interesting phenomenon is referred to as ‘diastema’ or more commonly known as tooth gaps and it can occur for several reasons, from natural to behavioral. Diastema often appear between the two upper front teeth. This condition […]

Overcoming Dental Phobia

Are you afraid of the dentist? Well, you are not alone. Here at Smilefocus we understand that dental phobia is real. Although 99.9% of our patients do enjoy a stress-free experience with us, some patients struggle with their phobia, from shaking to more extreme reactions. We can help you address your dental phobia.   We’ve […]

Protect their smile with a mouth guard

It surprises some people that the most injured area of the body during sports is the mouth, and not just in team contact sports. Hockey and football players, for example, have it drilled into them from a young age that wearing a mouth guard is essential to prevent serious injuries of the mouth, but it […]

The signs and symptoms of Gingivitis

When it comes to oral health, many people are more concerned about the appearance of their teeth than how healthy their mouth really is. Healthy gums are equally important as your pearly whites since healthy gums hold your teeth in the mouth and protect them from bacteria that cause bad breath. So how do you […]

How to Repair a Chipped Tooth

Repairing a chipped tooth is typically fairly easy to treat. Depending on how bad the chipped tooth is, your dentist can bring back your smile through several restoration processes. Despite being the toughest mineralized tissue in the body, enamel can still be broken. Whether it happened when you fall down the flight of stairs, blunt […]

Enamel’s Kryptonite

Your teeth are strong, but how strong? The enamel of your tooth, the visible white portion, is the hardest material in your body, even stronger than your bones! Enamel is actually harder than iron or steel because nature designed enamel to last a lifetime. Teeth can even survive temperatures up to 1,000 degree Celsius!   […]

Signs That You Need Root Canal Therapy

If you’ve been nursing severe dental pain that’s particularly troublesome when you eat – with sensitivity lasting long after you’ve tucked into that meal or enjoyed a drink – then it may mean you need root canal treatment. What is Root Canal Therapy?  Root canal therapy is all about saving a tooth rather than having […]

4 Reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid of the dentist

1. There is such a thing as ‘Pain-Free’ Dentistry Most people are afraid of the dentist because they think it will hurt.  Modern materials and improved techniques means that dentists are able to virtually eliminate pain from dentistry. And by visiting the dentist regularly problems can be spotted early and resolved before any pain or […]

Healthy You means Healthy Smile

How does your dentist know about your diet?  Don’t be surprised if at your next dental visit you’re not just getting advice on good dental hygiene, but also healthy eating tips.  This isn’t just about too much sugar and soft drinks, but because the mouth is often the first place to shows signs of vitamin […]

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