Missing teeth: What are the tooth replacement options

missing tooth, missing teeth,

Some people are born with the potential of missing teeth. Genetics can determine what teeth are present. If you have missing teeth, your family may have experienced the same. Similarly, teeth sometimes lack space to erupt and stay hidden in the gums. Teeth are also lost due to decay and gum disease necessitating extraction. Sports […]

Milk Caries: How can you reduce your child’s risk

dental caries, dental tips, child's teeth

Babies and toddlers are vulnerable to a type of dental decay or caries known as milk caries or bottle caries. This is because baby teeth have thin enamel, which is less resistant to plaque acid than adult teeth. As a result, any time we eat, even healthy food, the bacteria in our mouth produce acid, […]

Is swimming staining your child’s teeth?

Did you know that the brown staining on your child’s front teeth can actually be caused by the swimming pool? Most parents are surprised to hear this. This staining can happen when teeth are exposed to chlorinated water for extended periods of time. For example, it’s more likely when a swimmer spends more than six […]

Oral Microbiome: What is it? How does it affect Health and Well Being?

What is an Oral Microbiome? The Oral microbiome (also called as Oral microbial flora) is a community of microorganisms, predominantly bacteria, found within the mouth of humans and animals. Several hundred species of bacteria (1300+ identified till date) exist within this delicately balanced community. It is the second most diverse biome of the body, after the gut. […]

Pregnancy and dental health – the facts

Pregnant? What an exciting time … it’s beautiful, amazing and yet also scary and overwhelming.  As you embark on your pregnancy journey, it’s important to remember that your body is a cohesive and interconnected unit not a series of independent parts stuck together.  For example, oral hygiene is important not only for your dental health, […]

Mouthwashes – do they actually work?

What are mouthwashes used for? There are many different types of mouthwashes on the market as well as some you can make at home. They are used to control and treat different oral problems. What ingredients are in a mouthwash? The active ingredients vary depending on the purpose of the mouthwash. The most common ingredients […]

Worried about ‘buck teeth’?

What is the difference between an ‘overbite’ and an ‘underbite’? Ideally when the teeth are in biting position,  the upper front teeth should close over the lower teeth. This is called the ‘overbite’, which is a proper dental term. An ‘underbite’ is actually a layman’s term. It refers to the opposite of the overbite where […]

The key life stages of your teeth

What happens to your children’s growing teeth and when are the key growth stages? We asked Dr Alison Roberts to explain all: How many teeth does an adult typically have? An adult has 28 teeth and may or may not have a further 4 wisdom teeth.  Some or all of the wisdom teeth may be […]

Concerned about stained teeth?

What causes stained teeth? There are two types of staining on teeth: extrinsic staining (staining on the outside of the tooth) and intrinsic staining (staining below the tooth surface). Extrinsic staining can be caused by pigmented food or drink residue sticking to the film of protein covering the enamel.  Dark foods and drinks are often […]

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